Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Antelope Stampede

Here's the sweet princess at the start of 1st grade.  Cuteness, I know.

Fast-forward 9 years.  It's the beginning of 9th grade.  And she's learning to drive.  Yesterday, as she drove us to a cross country meet, she was recounting the story of her near-fatal encounter with a "herd of antelope"--TWO.  I wish I'd had a video recorder.  My version won't do it justice as you won't see her hands waving WHILE SHE'S DRIVING or hear me laughing hysterically!  Still.  I'm glad she lived to tell the tale.

In her words--to the best of my recollection (with my thoughts in parenthesis):

Did I tell you about the antelope that tried to stampede me Thursday?  Well, I cut across the field to where you were picking me up (there was a sidewalk she could have chosen though it would have made the walk longer), and I heard "ker-thump, ker-thump, ker-thump" behind me.  These two male antelope with really big reindeer horns (taking both hands off the wheel to mimic antlers above her head--already I'm cracking up because she uses "reindeer horns" instead of antlers but HELLO!  Both hands on the wheel!) came running toward me, chasing each other. They galloped around me two times, obviously fighting over their lady-love, and spitting up all kinds of dust!  I don't even think they knew I was there.  Meanwhile, this guy on the road pulls up to watch.  He didn't even get out to help.  He was just sitting there laughing.  Finally they ran off, still chasing each other, and that guy just drove away.  He didn't even ask if I was okay!!!

We live in an antelope-heavy area.  They are EXTREMELY skittish of people.  They wouldn't usually charge a human (unless they thought you were coming after their babies), but watch out!  You don't want to get in the way when they are fighting over their lady-love with their big reindeer horns!!!

I do so love this girl!


Mary Beth said...

I loved hearing this story in person - she waves her 'jazz hands' over her head as she talks about the 'reindeer horns'. She's a keeper for sure!

Kathi said...

I heard and saw her tell the story in person too while we were at the circus. She cracks me up.

J said...

Love the story!