Sunday, September 9, 2012

Coming Around

My kids aren't best friends.  In a perfect world they would be, but in this world...not so much.  But they do seem to tolerate each other a little bit more lately.  I don't think it's that they spend oodles of time together at cheer that's causing this new bond, but I do think it's that the prince has matured a little (just a little), and this is the first time they've been in the same school together--ever!  They finally have that in common.

This coming week is homecoming week.  The big game's on Friday.  (A win is dubious, but I'm hopeful!)  This week the kids dress up in different theme-clothes all week.  The princess was discussing her plans for her Friday outfit, when the prince quickly stepped in and, WITHOUT RIDICULING HER, set her straight on how that was NOT the right thing to do with that outfit. He then went on to say what would or would not be acceptable for her.  PHEW!  I was so pleased with him.  

Then last night at dinner he gave her the advice to stay away from some big doper kid (a senior in her art class) who she said keeps trying to talk to her.  That's a good big brother right there!

There may be hope for them yet!

Of course, their lockers are near each other, and he still pushes her into hers each time he sees her, and he still gets to the car before her and gets in the line to get out of the parking lot so that she's left trying to find him each day, but it's progress.  Right?


J said...

Right! And it all sounds like stuff a big brother would do....hope the home team wins the big game.

Shelley said...

I had to threaten my son that he would NOT have a vehicle to drive if he ditched his sisty. Good luck!

Mary Beth said...

Sweet! A little maturing on both sides goes a long way.