Monday, September 24, 2012


My kids LOVE eggnog.  I like one drink--one sip--every 5 years.  The king isn't a big fan.  But our kids would drink it by the gallon, if only I could afford to buy it for them like that.  And " by the gallon" I mean each of them would drink a gallon each day!  It's eggnog season now which means I buy a quart every couple of weeks and they have to share it!  I bought it Saturday.  It's gone.  I think they are "eggnog-aholics"!  


Shelley said...

Same with Jared. It's his fave!

Mary Beth said...

We all love the eggnog at our house! A quart is one night's dessert for us.

Kathi said...

I didn't like egg nog either UNTIL I was introduced to an iced brandy nog. (Cold egg nog + ice cubes + brandy). Yum!! I think I'll buy some when I'm at the store next time.