Saturday, February 20, 2010

17 Years!

The king and I are married 17 years TODAY!!
Yippee for us.
And I'd do it all again, but I would change the following about our wedding day:
I would have chosen another month or stayed in Billings so as not to have to be married in a snowstorm and than have to drive back to Billings.
I would have hired a photographer.
That's it.
All the rest, I'd do over again!


Shelley said...

Happy Anniversary! Be grateful that you would do it all over again. Many people don't necessarily feel that way after 17 years. Hope you guys do something fun to celebrate!

Karen L said...

Happy Anniversary to my favorite son and daughter-in law. PS-I can say that and not get in trouble. LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Rich & Sharmi. Hope you had a fun celebration.

Mom & Chuck

Mary Beth said...

Happy 17th!

Anonymous said...

Wow 17 years of marital bliss!

Happy Anniversary Guys!