Friday, February 12, 2010



Don't tell me what happened on Survivor last night. I was at the Staff/Celebrity basketball game (a PTA fundraiser) so missed it. But I'll watch it this weekend online!

The basketball game was loads of fun. We have some funny people working at our school, and some recognizable celebrities from tv and radio came out too so the kids had a great time. This event really showcases the Middle School with the 8th grade boys taking on the 8th grade girls in the pregame. The boys will tell you the refs were calling fouls to let the girls win. In the end, it was a tie, so all was well.

Also, right after school, the princess and I buzzed over to our best hair-cutter ever, Emily, so she could have several inches removed. She then requested that Emily style it into a Shag. It's Shagalicious, baby! Very cute, and still long enough to pull back into a pony for dance and volleyball. Oh yes, she started volleyball this week too!

This weekend the prince is skiing with a friend tomorrow, and the princess and I will head up to the mountain on Monday (we don't have school Monday but the prince does) to do a little skiing. Okay, she'll ski. I'll sit in the lodge and visit with Mary Beth. But it's all good. Everybody goes home a winner!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Survivor did not disappoint! It was great! Enjoy.