Saturday, February 27, 2010

First You Have To Get Through 8th Grade!

One of my 8th graders is a chronic misser-of-school. Though he'll tell you he has many ailments, the truth is that he's a big ol' crybaby (that's my professional diagnosis), and his mom lets him call the shots. Whatever...not my judgment to make, I guess. Anyway, he's on his second carnival ride through 8th grade--had to repeat it this year after missing about 1/2 the year last year. Two weeks ago he was absent all week. This past week he was absent all but one day. On the day that he was there I gave him a very long (overwhelming to him, I sure) list of his missing assignments. A few minutes later I checked on him, to see which assignment he was working on. He wasn't. He was filling out his high school enrollment form. HELLO!!! First you have to get through 8th grade. And it's not looking good for him right now!

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