Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Harmonica and Spoons

This weekend the king took the prince and Reed to the guitar store. After that, they headed next door to the music store. The king ran into someone working there whom we graduated from high school with, and while the boys looked around, they caught up a little, not having seen each other in many, many years.
Eventually the boys decided to go in together and buy a harmonica. It cost $12, but the sales guy gave them the "class of '82" discount, so it came out to $8.50. Math geniuses they aren't, because the king said it was quite comical to watch them try to figure out how to split that with their various bills.
They got home, checked out the harmonica for awhile, but must have decided it was too difficult, because the next thing I know, they've got 4 of my spoons and are on utube, learning to play THE SPOONS. They both managed to learn them a bit, after much clanging, and the prince even has the blisters to prove it. I'm not sure where the harmonica is.
Maybe it's "living at Reed's house" for awhile, though that doesn't seem fair. Harmonicas take up a lot less room than big ol' honkin' keyboards!


Unknown said...

But spoons take up even less space than harmonicas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but once the spoons enter the bedroom (also known as "the black hole")I never see them again! SL