Tuesday, February 2, 2010


No one will ever accuse the princess of being a girly-girl, but apparently there's enough estrogen in her system now to make her a little more feminine. Case in point: her favorite color is purple--it was blue for years--and she LIKES the dresses in these photos.
This weekend she fell asleep on my bed in the middle of the afternoon, and I took her photo. She doesn't want that picture on the blog (don't worry; she's not the boss of me; it'll get posted), so she suggested I take photos of her in her new dance outfits, and post them. I obliged her. Notice her nice "smiles." She informed me that's what I get since I MADE her have braces. If there weren't about $5,000 worth of metal in her mouth I might have to kick her in the teeth!
This is the "costume" she's wearing for her solo dance. She's doing a lyrical dance to Martina McBride's "Anyway." It's a beautiful song, and I can't wait to see the dance. She wants us to be surprised and wait to see it until her first competition at the end of March, but I told her I might cry when I see it the first time. She laughed and said something along the lines of, "I hope so." Mean girl. This costume is a very pretty purple, but it looks more blue in the photo.

What's up with the arm thing??? This is her costume for her competition team. They are dancing to "Halo" by Byonce (who now holds the record for number of Grammy wins by a female--one was for "Halo"--after Sunday's six wins). I have seen most of this dance so I won't cry.
She'll also compete in "Swing With Me Baby" with her competition team and the level below them. It's a fun jazz tune. Red polka-dot dresses. She doesn't have that one yet.
Her final competition is a duo that she did at last year's spring recital. They have really cool green costumes and dance to "Puff the Magic Dragon."
The first competition is at the end of March. The excitement is definitely building at our house! And my "dance mom" t-shirt should be here by then!


Shelley said...

You go "dance mom"! Maybe you should bust out some of your hip hop moves at her competitions.

Mary Beth said...

Love the Halo costume and I can hardly wait for my blinged out Dance Mom shirt!

Anonymous said...

nice, i just brought a lot of new emo backgrounds in my blog