Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week One

PHEW! Just had a chance to watch the first episode of Survivor, and all our players are still in. Here's what I thought of that first episode:

1. Jerri and Coach--ewwwww

2. I had forgotten how funny Tyson is.

3. I couldn't even remember who Sugar was until she started crying.

4. They were all fools not to take out a strategic player.

5. Did you see the previews for next week??? OHHHHHHHH soooooooo goooooood!

I love this show!


Shelley said...

I only know Rob from Amazing Race....he was before we started Survivor. He is my fave though....are you kidding me...making fire by rubbing sticks together????? I am so freaked out by next week's preview though. Can't wait!

Mary Beth said...

I too found Tyson to be hilarious! His comment on Colby getting beat by Coach was the best of the show.