Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Smarty Pants

Congratulations to Mary Beth's son, Daniel. He took first place in the school spelling bee. Now it's on to the city bee! Way to go Daniel!!!!


Shelley said...

Yay for Daniel! Way to go!!!

Unknown said...

That's just awesome! Looks like you and MB both have spelling genes that you passed along! OR maybe your kiddos get that from their dads!? :)

Mary Beth said...

Thanks Man! He was more excited about the promised Oreo's I bribed him with this morning if he won. He doesn't have to share the box at all. That, he will say, is better than the trophy.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he won't share those with me...after I posted this blog entry and all. As for Cara, I am the first to admit, her spelling gene comes from her father. SL