Thursday, February 4, 2010

Geek With a Guitar

The prince is pretty cool. Usually dresses okay. Handsome. Has lots of friends. Plays a mean electric guitar. But every once-in-awhile, his inner-geek shows. Like Wednesday night when I heard him say to his father (a fellow geek), "Hey, Dad, tonight there are THREE hours of PBS for us to watch on TV!" He then listed all the great programming they could watch together.
Now, I love that he's spending time with his dad. I even don't mind that he's watching 3 hours of TV since it's PBS, but really? PBS???? Geek alert, geek alert!
By the way, though his father did watch PBS for 3 straight hours, he couldn't do it. He was back and forth, watching TV and playing the guitar and doing homework.


Shelley said...

Go Prince, go!!! I hope they got to see Antiques Roadshow. That is about it for us on PBS with all our other options.

Anonymous said...

They did...and it's coming here. He's very excited. Or was until I burst his bubble. First you have to win a lottery to get on the show. Then you have to win a second lottery to get to have your stuff looked at. SL

Mary Beth said...

Was it the Red Green Show? Ugh - I hate that show. It's man humor all the way.

Anonymous said...

I HATE that show too! SL

Anonymous said...

I like some of the things on PBS but I think American Experience and the history stories are my favorites. kl