Saturday, March 20, 2010


The princess' cell phone died while I was in Vegas. They sent us a new one, and she and I went in today to have her data transferred to the new phone. It takes a VERY long time to transfer 207 photos from one phone to another. The phone gal suggested we run some errands and come back! So we went to McDonald's for a soda and to the library to return a book. When we got back it STILL wasn't done, but it was close! Phew, now she has a working phone again. It was kind of like a part of her died without her phone! :)

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I didn't know she had one. J won't have one for a while yet. He only needs it if I need to get ahold of him. Hasn't been a problem so far.....NOT looking forward to it!