Monday, March 1, 2010

Waffle Drama

I was going to title this "Waffle Mania" because I heard the prince's alarm clock go off at 5:50 (he usually gets up about 6:15). He was getting up early to make himself some waffles. He then went into the bathroom and the princess came upstairs--about 10 minutes earlier than usual. Really, all this for waffles??? I guess so. Except that's where the drama comes in. While he was in the shower, she started making the batter. Nice sister. When he got out of the shower he was none-too-happy to see her "helping"! Seriously??? She was making a double batch. So the fight was on. Now he's cooking, she's downstairs, and I might have to eat all the waffles. It's too early for all this drama!


Unknown said...

They got up early to make breakfast?!? That is awesome! And you're going to get waffles out of the deal!!!

Mary Beth said...

Waffles must be an event at your house.

Shelley said...

Next time have them make them the night before and warm them up in the morning! Works for me!

J said...

Please oh please don't let these young people tire of the waffles before I arrive. I would love for them to make me some waffles!

Anonymous said...

Way too much drama for this old lady. :) Wish someone would make me waffles!!
