Friday, March 12, 2010

Survior Update

Don't read if you haven't watched it!

I can't believe they didn't send James home.

I can't believe the Heroes keep losing.

I can't believe they didn't eat the chocolate Jeff offered.

I love chocolate, but looking at all that chocolate on that table made me sick.

I can't WAIT for the Boston Rob/Russel showdown!

And while we're on the subject of reality TV...Jeff and Jordan dodged a bullet on the Amazing Race. We'll see if they can dig out of that mess on Sunday. Oh no, wait. You all will have to watch it and let me know. I'll be headed to LAS VEGAS Sunday night!!!

By the way, no Survivor this Thursday. It's on in two weeks on WEDNESDAY! (Silly college basketball.)


Shelley said...

Ditto ALL! They will keep losing cuz they are a bunch of knuckleheads!!!! Keeping James??? KNUCKLEHEADS!!!

Unknown said...

Stupid, stupid, stupid... I had such high hopes for the Heroes. That Amanda drives me nuts: whine, whine, whine...
On Amazing Race, I can't believe that the last couple was, well, LAST?! They are so much better than that! I'd rather see the annoying brothers or the whiny girlfriends go home!

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about the Cowboy brothers? They are my new favorites if Jeff and Jordan go home. I think they are a hoot! SL