Friday, March 26, 2010


The princess has her first dance competition tomorrow. We are very excited and a little nervous. I have seen the group dance they do and the duo dance she does. I have not seen her solo. She wants it to be a surprise. I'm told that it's beautiful. Her dance teacher tells us it'll make us cry!! Yikes! So I am very excited for this fun time. She'll be at the theater all day. Her solo and duo are early in the morning. Awards are around noon. Then the group dances again in the late afternoon with awards for that part of the show around dinner time. She'll be exhausted. But it should be a great time. We're glad Jeanette can be here to share it with us. We're also glad the king and prince don't leave until Sunday for their Phoenix trip so they can enjoy it. We're also glad Grandma will be able to share the morning with us, and maybe even Aunt Kathi. What a great support system she has!


Shelley said...

Great support system all right! Poor Becky usually just had ME! I miss having a dancer.

Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo! We are also looking forward to the competition. I know the girls will do well.

Grandma L said...

I missed the duo because I had to drive for half and hour to find a parking space but the solo was FANTASTIC. CONGRATULATIONS, CARA

J said...

Cara did a wonderful job in all 3 dances! She is steady, consistent and graceful. It was a pleasure to finally get to see her dance!