Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Don't Have to Blog on Your Birthday

I try to blog daily. I thought about taking today off since it's my birthday. In then end, I decided it needed to be said that I had a great birthday.
I'm so glad my mom endured 3 DAYS of labor with forceps for me all those many years ago! She sent me a swell bday gift too! Money for VEGAS, BABY! Not to mention she's meeting me there next week.
Today all the children at school were very good. I didn't even have to kick anyone out of class (and I usually do at least 3 times a week). A group of sixth graders (the princess NOT included) sang happy birthday to me. The king sent me flowers and is taking me to dinner tomorrow night along with the kids and skunk boy. I'm having dinner with the girls on Saturday night. I got nice gifts from some of my friends. My sister-in-law gave me some awesome socks. And I got calls, texts, and video texts from some of my favorite people--including the king who may just win American Idol, should he ever try out.
I was busy driving the mom-taxi tonight but did have time to stop at Albertsons to buy myself a cake. I couldn't choose so I bought myself TWO! Is that wrong? I don't think so! A regular cake with yummy, greasy frosting, and a Snickers ice cream cake for later this weekend. Don't judge me people!
Finally, may I just say that I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. It is the best gift of all--to be loved. And having said that, I'm a bit "afear" of the BIG birthday that's only a few years away. Start saving now, my friends, because I feel an extended trip coming on, and you're all invited! It's the only way I'll be able to deal with the pain of aging!


Shelley said...

I'm glad that you decided to blog on your birthday. I miss you when you take a rare day off!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday. Wish I was there to share the ice cream cake with you.

Happy Birthday!

Mary Beth said...

Sounds like a great birthday month! You sure know how to celebrate!

KL said...

I'm glad your Mom went through that pain, too, life without you would be like life with no chocolate--- only lots worse.