Sunday, March 7, 2010

Paintball Fun

Grandma's brother has been in town this weekend, with his grandson, for a basketball tournament. Yesterday Grandma called to see if the prince would like to do some paintballing with his distant cousin and some friends. The prince was all for that! He rounded up Sir Daniel--who, by the way, had spent the morning at the county spelling bee and made it through the 4 round (you can be smart AND a paintball master)--and away the five boys went, to mix it up a bit!

Getting the gear together.
At this place, for $25, you get all the gear
and enough paintballs to last 2-3 hours.
Good fun!

Ready for action!
The prince came home with 3 nice welts on his arm and plenty muddy, but otherwise unscathed. Sir Daniel did not fare as well. He was ambushed while in a trench and took one to the head, ending up with a nice headache later in the day.


Unknown said...

I don't get it. This is Rhys' favorite thing to do. The bigger the welts, the bigger the smile when he gets home. It's a boy thing!

Anonymous said...

Those are badges of courage and honor. Very testosterone-driven.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the headache. Hope Daniel's ok now.
There was a boy who took off his mask he had his arms raised & was leaving the field and got shot in the eye. He went to the hospital. Hope he's ok.