Friday, March 5, 2010

Last Night's Survivor

While I'm not going to mention, specifically, who got voted out, I am going to talk in general about the show and might give away which tribe had to vote someone off, so if you haven't watched it, you might not want to read this yet.
While we have 3 villains and 1 hero still left in our pool, I find myself really rooting for Boston Rob, who isn't even one of our people. I really like him a lot (even though he's now gunning for Russel--one of 2 of our people I think has a shot at winning), and just keep being really impressed with how well he does at EVERYTHING.
Last night, I found myself rooting for the villains at the challenge because we have more of them left in our pool! Phew. It worked. And our one hero--JT--was safe last night. They finally got smart and voted out a strategic player. HELLO people!!! Took you long enough.
I've decided it's really hard to be a couch quarterback. It stresses me out, but I really think it's because usually, at this point in the season, I'm still trying to figure out who all the players are, and this season I already know them all. I LOVE that!! I wish every season could be people I know. Maybe they need to do it like Dancing With the Stars. Maybe only famous people should go on the show from now on!
By the way...even though Coach is one of our players, I wouldn't have cared it he went home last night. What a CRYBABY. I loved it when Rob told him to, "Be a man." ;)
Until next week...


Mary Beth said...

Coach was a crybaby and I kept waiting for Tyson to have some funny but horribly mean comment. Darn it.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe Tyson was all huggy and "bro" and "dude" with him. Even afterward he wasn't snide. What's come over him??? SL

Shelley said...

I haven't finished last night's episode yet, but I just have to say.....I LOVE Boston Rob. I totally want him to win. I don't know him from Survivor...before my time, but from Amazing Race. Also, I hope they NEVER ever put famous people on. I loved Apprentice, but don't like Celebrity Apprentice nearly as well.