Tuesday, March 30, 2010

J's Visit

I hope everyone has a friend like my friend, J. She just really knows how to have fun. And she brought some of that fun with her when she came to visit us this past few days. She leaves tomorrow, and we're very sad. The kids adore her because she's tons o' fun and sends them cool things from her travel adventures. I adore her because she'll sit through 12 hours of dance with me during her "vacation"! We joke about some of the attributes the kids have that are way more like her than either the king or I. She really is part of the family, and we're lucky to claim her in our family. We hope she comes back soon!

"Here Jeanette. I'll give you a Wii skiing lesson."

"You'll have to actually start the game at some point."

"You're going to want to lean a little to get him to turn."

"Maybe not so much. You'll fall off the Wii board."

She's SOOOO addicted now. We're pretty sure she's going home and buy one of these promptly. She mastered Wii Ski and Rockband guitar and drums.

Yesterday we went to Candy Town, USA. Every town should have one of these stores. We bought some Pop Rocks, and J challenged to princess to a Pop Rock eating contest. Who could get the package down first!

Ready, Set, GO!

"Try to get them all."

"Why is your mom taking photos of us?"
"My mom's a stalkaratzi with the camera. She always does that."
"Is this going to end up on the blog?"
"Oh yes!"

"They aren't as bad as I remember them being as a kid.
I don't think my stomach will blow up."

"Let me see YOUR tongue."

What you can't see from this photo is that J is also sticking out her tongue.

We're going to miss her when she leaves us, but we hope she'll be back to see us soon!


Mary Beth said...

She is lots of fun. Love the Pop Rocks competition. Hope she has a safe trip home and comes back for a visit soon.

Shelley said...

I'm sad I missed her. Hi to Jeanette!!!

J said...

MB - great to finally hang out with you!! Still want to hear Ice, Ice Baby.
Shelley - Hey!! Haven't seen you in forever! Thanks for the music [ask Sharmi]!!
Sharmi - You're the best, but I still think Cara is right about the whole "stalkarazzi" thing [how did you spell that anyway?] Had a wonderful time, as always, hanging out with all of you. No worries....I WILL be back!