Monday, March 26, 2012

The Adventure Begins

Tomorrow our good friend, Jeanette, sets off on a year of travel. She'll travel the globe from top to bottom (I'm not even kidding) and many points in between. She'll start out heading north though, traveling the East coast. Occasionally she'll need a "base camp", and we are excited that she's chosen our house for those times. Let the fun begin.

By the way, if you'd like to follow her, check out her blog: Girl Must Travel listed on my blog roll!

Safe travels my friend. See you in May!


J said...

Thank you for the good wishes....and the base camp...and....and...and....However, I must confess that I have SOOOO been enjoying the unsually warm Gulf beach the past few days that I'm pretty sure I'm gonna leave on Wed. morning instead. Just one more day of that warm water!!! But, I promise to star the blog soon & I fully expect to cross into Georgia on April 1st [no fooling!!]. See you in May. And thanks again.

Wendy said...

How fun for you friend! I just had to pop on and tell you what a GREAT picture that is of you, Sharmi. Beautiful!

Mary Beth said...

Love this photo of you two! Have a great trip J - looking forward to seeing you in May.

Karen L said...

I envy you. Wish I could hide in your suitcase. Good travels!!