Thursday, March 15, 2012

A post for Mary Beth

Yesterday was Pi day. March 14. Pi is the math symbol that equals 3.14 (though it goes on forever). In case you forgot--not MB but the rest of you--you use Pi to find the area of a circle...among other things. So the 6th grade math teacher decided that her afternoon classes (after testing) would do some Pi celebrating. She wore silly Pi signs on her shirt all day, they read a story about Pi, they sang a Pi song, they colored a Pi picture and they got to eat pizza Pi with the Pi symbol made from pepperoni! At 1:59 the principal announced "Happy Pi Day" because the next numbers in Pi are 3.14159... The kids had a great time!

But here's the best part for MB. When she called Dominoes to order the pizzas none of the employees knew what the Pi symbol looked like. She talked a Dominoes person into giving her his cell phone number so she could send him a picture of the Pi symbol. :) And we had a few jokes about maybe part of the reason they work the noon shift at Dominoes being related to their lack of math skills! Maybe!

I'm glad I have math geek friends.


Mary Beth said...

Love it! I was trying to celebrate Pi day at work yesterday but no one was as excited about the day as I was. I am such a MATH GEEK!
Thanks man!

Wendy said...

I hate math. Glad you guys still love me. :)