Monday, March 19, 2012

"The Wrong Mother" by Sophie Hannah

Finally! A 4 star book! "The Wrong Mother" by Sophie Hannah was a great read, especially the last 100 pages. I stayed up way too late last night because I just had to finish it! It's about a woman who meets a man. A year later, she sees a photo of the man on tv, but although the name is right and details about the man's life are right, the face is wrong. His wife and daughter are dead, and this sets a chain of events in motion to figure out "who done it". My favorite kind of book! As a side line there is much talk about what it means to be the perfect mother. Hannah is a British author, and this book is set outside of London with a lot of British references and language that was sometimes confusing, but it's worth those confusing moments. I strongly recommend this book.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Sounds like a good read. Sign me up on the list.