Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Prince: Guess what I'm doing Saturday?
Me: What?
Prince: I'm coaching at a basketball tournament.
Me: don't play basketball, or really know anything about basketball.
Prince: I know; that's why I'm the "motivational" coach. Steph (a friend who plays on the varsity girls' team) will be the technical coach.
Me:! Is this a tournament for little kids? (Because that would almost make sense.)
Prince: Nope. It's a tournament for the freshman girls.
Me: Oh my. So where is this tournament? I'm going to need to come take photos!

Later he says to me: Steph wants to know if my mom is really going to come take photos.
Me: DUH!

By the way, Steph says she'll probably only call a couple of plays. The prince says to her, "Can I name them?"

Maybe I should talk to Steph before Saturday!


J said...

Could be the start of a career path....

Mary Beth said...

He could be the new Matt Foley - who lives in a van down by the river!