Thursday, March 1, 2012

Out Of School Suspension

Our school tries to curb bullying. We have bully slips all over the school. A kid fills one out and gives it to an adult. The adult passes it on to the principal who deals with it. Unfortunately, the kids being bullied rarely fill out the slips. Instead, he gets a lot of, "He pushed me once," or "She was giving me strange looks." I am not saying bullying doesn't happen. I think it happens a lot! But the bully slips aren't working out as planned, in my opinion.
Yesterday, though, we had a good laugh with a bully slip. In a totally unplanned event, all of the adults who work in my part of the school all wore purple yesterday, with the exception of one teacher, who was wearing brown. We were commenting on it before school started, and she said, in her best middle school whiny voice, "So you guys all planned this? And you left me out? That's really not fair. Now I feel stupid and need to go home and change! You guys are so mean! I'm going to fill out a bully slip!"
And she did! :) And she gave it to the principal. After he got done laughing, he told her we'd all have a week of Out Of School Suspension WITH PAY! Basically, she was left alone for a week with all the kids, and we would be home enjoying a week off w/pay. :) When she complained about this to him and how unfair it was, he pointed to his own shirt/tie...they were purple!
Good times at Middle School. I work with really fun people. That makes the job just that much better!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

What a coincidence that you posted this today. A friend of mine on FB was upset yesterday about one of her kids being bullying. A huge number of comments have been posted about it and they are still coming. Hmmm.....