Friday, March 16, 2012


This post is a little late, but a couple of weeks ago, the boys had a wrestling tournament. They both had to lose weight to compete (I hate that about wrestling), and after a week of eggs and rice cakes, they both made weight. To celebrate, their mom took them to Red Robin. They managed to down their dinners, but let's put it this way: dinner didn't stay with them very long.
They both wrestled hard! Great job guys!
Isaiah wrestling.
In the back are his coach and his big brother, Tyson, coaching him.
Jajuan is in blue...that's not natural!
Look at his arm, under the kid in red.

Jajuan took 8th over all. WAHOO!
As you can see, Sparky didn't fare as well.
It's tough learning to lose when you're used to winning.
After the meet the boys were exhausted.
They didn't even make it to their beds.
Silly boys.
But I love how they are snuggled up next to each other
still with their wrestling pants on.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Good job boys! You definately deserved a nap after that.