Monday, April 16, 2012

Did I sign up for this?

Our school is hiring a new superintendent.  Last week I got a call telling me a committee that was going to do informal interview with the 3 remaining candidates had a member drop out, and would I take her place.  "All you have to do is submit potential questions.  We will submit them to the lawyer and narrow the questions down to 4.  Then we will do 15 minute interviews with each person.  That's it."

Well that sounded easy enough.  I got some input from others in my position at school and submitted some questions.  The questions were dissected and this involved about 40 emails to keep up with over 3 days.  Seriously?  Seriously.  Way too many people wanted to be the boss.

But that was eventually taken care of and today were the interviews.  They were quick.  Each lasted about 15 minutes.  (We asked all candidates the same 4 questions.)  I didn't take notes because I thought this was a "get a feel for" interview.  Nope.  I wasn't told that afterward we'd sit for an hour picking apart each candidate, have to rank them, and that those rankings would be sent to the school board.  WHAT THE HECK???

But it was interesting.  Two of the candidates are younger and one is pushing retirement.  There is a very real difference in the philosophy of the older gentleman.  I don't know if that's good or just is.  And all three guys had hair.  Just sayin'...

I hadn't planned to go to the formal interviews tomorrow night, but now I think I will.  They are open to the public.  :)

1 comment:

J said...

That soundsf interesting. And now they got you even more involved than you already are!