Tuesday, April 3, 2012


About this time every morning I wish I could call in sick and just go back to bed. Today I will happily go to work because the roofers are here! It's only been 22 months since the tornado that caused enough damage to warrant a new roof. We're nothing if not speedy! Obviously we weren't leaking and didn't have major holes or it would have been done sooner. First the king had to fight with the insurance company for an extended period of time, then the roofer lost most of his employees to the Bakken, but at long-last they showed up yesterday. And there were lots of them. And there was big equipment in my driveway forcing me to park on the street. And they were really, REALLY noisy! Really! There was a lot of loud banging, pounding, hammering and what not. It took me quite awhile to figure out that someone wasn't knocking on my door with each rapid series of bangs. The really loud booms did not confuse me! But the most surprising noise was the pinging that took place for awhile. Lots of it. Often really quickly. Turns out they use a magnet to pick up the nails/screws that were littering the yard/driveway. I kind of liked that noise. We are hoping they are done by Friday if the weather holds. I am hoping I don't get any flat tires. (You know how that goes for me.) And I'm thinking I might have to go clean the basement after work today to put a cushion between me and the noise!


Mary Beth said...

Whew! It's about time for your fancy new roof. Looks like the weather is cooperating for now.

Shelley said...

Those blasted roofers,

Wendy said...
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Wendy said...

Trying again... ahem....

I'll find out soon enough just how noisy the roofers are...a new roof is coming our way in a about a month or so.