Friday, April 27, 2012


Call me suspicious, but I have my reasons, and I think this one is valid.  

First the back story--which is sort of funny in a sad way:

Someone sees one of our 7th graders smoking cigarettes before school and reports it to the principal.  He calls the boy into the office and says, "I know what you did.  Give it up."  So the boy takes off his right shoe and pulls out a bag of marijuana from the toe of the shoe.  Before the principal can say a word the kid takes off his other shoe and pulls a pipe out of that toe.  The boy thinks he's done because that's why he thinks he was called in.  The principal says, "Now the cigarettes."  The kid was really bummed to have to give those up too!  (And yes, he was expelled.)

But here's where I'm suspicious.  Now every time I see a kid limping down the hall I wonder if he/she has a pot pipe in his/her toe!


J said...

Hmmmm......interesting point! Random shoe searches might be next....

Wendy said...

That is awful! :(

Mary Beth said...

I'm pretty sure this is a reasonable conclusion!