Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins

I am reluctantly giving "Mockingjay" 3 stars.  It might only be worth 2 stars, but I really think it's probably about as good as the other 2 in the series.  I think I'm tired of reading them, and that might be coloring my rating.  This book is more of what the first two are about, but this time, instead of sending children in to kill each other in a game, the "kids" (who are now in their late teens) are part of a revolution to overthrow the government that promotes the games.  All three books were slow starters and much better reads the 2nd half of the book.  All three books are full of violence.  All three books are full of death.  But finally, in the third book, there is also hope. 

I also found my favorite line of the series in book three.  When talking about a post-revolution time of agreement among mankind, the character said, "...collective thinking is usually short-lived.  We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction."    I'm afraid that is true, even outside of fiction.

Now I really must go see the movie...


Mary Beth said...

I too think this was not nearly as good as the other two books. When they make this movie, it will be hard not to get a R rating for the violence. Plus who wants to watch a movie with Katniss walking around in a depression 60% of the time.

Unknown said...

Your quote makes me laugh. I'm watching Survivor as I'm reading through blog posts and that quote so accurately describes that show (and human nature as a whole...) it's unnerving!

I want you & MB to post your movie reviews before I fork over $10 to see it!