Thursday, April 19, 2012

School Board follow up

I am nothing if not nosey.  Yesterday I did some sleuthing and found out why the board had a change of heart (read the post below first, if you haven't already).  As they went to that final break, one of the board members went to each of the others and said something along these lines:  I firmly believe that, in light of the vastly changing climate of education right now, we need someone who will be able to lead us in, not afraid to change of growth.  This can't be just about the budget. 

Three were swayed.  One wasn't.  The last member was still torn.  The teacher getting up and reminding them that the current superintended had not had experience swayed the last. 

I talked to the man who was the lone hold-out last night.  He said he mind was made up at 7:15, and he wouldn't be swayed. 

So now you know.

1 comment:

J said...

Interesting! Thanks for the follow-up!