Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Longest Day

Today is the longest day as we wait for Shelley and Becky to arrive.  The house is clean, the frig is full--oh wait, no it's not.  Not sure what they'll eat most of the time they are here, but I do have a plan for dinner tonight!  And so we wait...for them to get here.  It's much worse to wait in the summer when we're sitting around the house waiting.  Today we'll be at work/school so the wait will go more quickly...I hope!  Hurry up and get here, but drive carefully!


J said...

Have a great time! Wish I could hang it with all of you at Dos!

Shelley said...

Yay! We made it!

Don't you worry Jeanette. I'll eat enough at Dos for both of us. I'll still miss you though.