Sunday, April 15, 2012

"House Rules" by Rachel Sontag

I gave "House Rules" 3 stars.  After reading the "Hunger Games" series full of child violence, I was hesitant to read this book, also about child abuse, but I'm glad I did.  It's a good book.  Sontag is telling her own, true story about growing up with an emotionally abusive dad and an equally abusive mom, in that Mom was never able to leave Dad to get her girls away from Dad.  This book is part of Sontag's healing, and she is an excellent story-teller.  I was hooked through almost the entire book.  I recommend this book.

Though it's not my intent to quote my personal "best line" from each book I read, I do want to share this line from this book.  If you have grown up with a sibling you know that, even if you were sitting in the same room, being a part of the same event, you sometimes have a very different memory of the event than your sibling.  Sontag says this of that kind of experience:  Jenny's (her sister) experience was different from mine.  Her version of the story is her own, but of all the people in my life her version is the closest to mine.

I like that.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I too gave this book 3 stars. I liked the story of her as a younger child. Of course I thought her Dad was a bully and her mother a wimp.