Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gotta Love

Gotta love a 90* day in April.  It was so nice yesterday...until the wind picked up in the evening.  But even then, after it calmed down again, it was 77* at 8:00.  The best part about 90* in April is that it still cools down in the evening enough that no air conditioner was needed.  The bad thing about 90* in April is that it means watering the grass.  Still, I'll take it.  And it'll be back in the 50*s by the weekend, which I'll also take.  It is only April, after all!


Shelley said...

Our weather has been great too. I'm not too excited to already have started mowing though. But I'm glad the first mow of the season is over.
We've had our air on for a couple hours in the early evening for the last couple days. 80* inside is too warm even for me!

Mary Beth said...

I almost turned on my air conditioner yesterday, almost. It was so hot upstairs but I sleep downstairs, so I didn't turn the AC on!