Thursday, April 5, 2012

This Girl!

I can not even begin to tell you how much we will miss this girl. When school resumes next Tuesday she's going to "city" school. We've been riding together twice/day for 2 years, and I thought we had one more year together, but she decided to go to "city" school. I don't blame her. She'll have a great time, meet lots of new friends, and have an easier transition to high school because of it. Still, I'm really, really going to miss her. She makes me happy. But we wish her all the best in her new adventure.
In honor of Miss Christian, I've written a poem (not everyone gets a poem because I'm really not good at them, though you'll be shocked by that when you read this masterpiece, but she is special so she gets a poem).
Ode to Dido (pronounced "deedoe"--don't ask)
Who marches to the beat of her own drummer?
Who sometimes gets in the car smelling of whatever was cooked for breakfast at her house?
Who has fashion sense galore?
Who never complains that, even though her legs are longer, she always has to sit in the backseat?
Who believes in herself and doesn't care if you do?
Who never complained when I missed the turn to her house and had to take the long way because I forgot she was in the car?
Who joins youth group on campus and the "green" club because they're fun? (And not just because there might be donuts!)
Who traveled the globe with us last summer and never complained about the long car trip or having to get up early or being squished in the backseat with the cousins all the way back from Denver?
Who makes me laugh at her stories about her brother?
Who had to get out and push when the car got stuck one time?
Who's going to miss her bunches and bunches?
Best of luck Christian. If you ever need a ride on the Laggebus, give me a call.


Wendy said...

Awe, you're the best Aunti Sharmi to those kids!! What a GREAT poem for C. :)

Shelley said...

She is quite awesome. Can't wait to see her in a few weeks.

Mary Beth said...

Thanks man for all the rides to/from school and all the help at school with her. We REALLY appreciate it. She will definately miss her morning 'bus' rides. Loved the poem. We have it printed for her to keep. Thanks man!

J said...

Excellent poem!