Monday, April 16, 2012

Margarita In A Bucket

In case you hadn't figure it out, I attend a book club.  I love our book club.  We read things we wouldn't otherwise read, talk about the book, connect with friends, and snack!  (If the book was bad then snacking is sometimes the best part of book club!)

Yesterday was book club.  It went great.  At the end of the meeting I agreed to host the next club get-together (we alternate houses).  The event will be in May...on the day the princess leaves for DC.  When I mentioned this last night she quickly--and loudly--said, "WHAT?  I'm going to miss the margaritas?"

I feel I must clarify!  Yes, there are usually adult beverages at book club.  But no, there are rarely margaritas at book club.  Silly girl!  But she thinks there are!  And then I realized why.  Sometimes, okay probably every time I host book club, I buy the "Margarita in a Bucket" from Walmart.  Have you seen that?  You add alcohol to it and put it in the freezer.  It will get slushy that way.  OR, IN OUR CASE, you don't put it in the freezer.  You just put it on the counter with lots of ice and add the tequila if you want it. 

This is the way it's done at my house!  I SWEAR.  The princess does not go around our house on book club day getting toasted!  No alcohol for her.  Sheesh!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I don't know if I believe you or not...