Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Hunger Games" Movie Review

Karen asked me to review this movie before she forks over $10!  Do it!  Fork it over.  In much the same way that "The Help" movie followed the book as well as a movie can, so does this movie.  Peeta is not a great actor, but Gale is BEAUTIFUL!!!  And I found the "behind the scenes at the games" fascinating.  The book doesn't really touch on it, but the movie did a good job of adding it in and making it true to the story.  It's a good movie.


Unknown said...

Now, that is service! I'm thinking what else I should ask for since you're so accommodating!

Thanks for the rave review. Now I can confidently shell out my 10 bucks. :)

Shelley said...

Agreed! I paid full price two days in a row. Great movie, if the shaky camera doesn't make you sick.

Mary Beth said...

I also thought Peeta's character was a bad actor. Gale was pretty and Effie was just like the book. Great movie! I'm sad we have to wait so long for the second one be released.