Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First School Funny Of The Year

A 6th grade boy came up to me a little while ago.  "Umm...I found this rock in my shoe (about the size of a big toe).  What should I do?"  At first I thought he was kidding me, but the look on his face told me otherwise.  So I looked at him with my "Are you for real?" look.  Then I said, as nicely as I could without being "snarky" (you know me and my snarky), "Well, if I were you I'd throw it in the garbage can.  Don't throw it anyone.  Just throw it away."  That seemed like a good idea to him too.  SERIOUSLY!!!!

Also a shout out to my good friend, Christian.  Thanks to her, when the diabetic girl showed me her tester that read 78, I didn't panic.  I told her I thought she should drink her juice!  Unfortunately, it dropped to 71 after the juice.  She's having a snack right now!  But I am not panicking!  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Rick!

Happy belated birthday to Uncle Rick (it was yesterday).  We hope your day was a good one.  Sorry, no photo this year.  They are on the other computer...the one that doesn't work all that well.  Have a great year!!

Last-First Varsity Game of the Year

Last first day of high school, last first varsity football game, last Call of Duty party after last first football game...this could (and will) go on all year.  The prince cheered their first game of the season last night.  We got spanked, but you wouldn't know it to see all the fun the cheerleaders and student section were having...particularly the seniors who kept asking the cheerleaders to do "senior" cheers.  They complied a couple of times--changing "Falcons" to "seniors"--but it was weird, because one of the other schools in town is called Senior, so I kept thinking they were cheering for that school!  Here's to a great year, and a better game next week!

 I was snapping random shots.  He must have noticed.  Nice pose!

 This is the "Here We Go" cheer.  
They sway for awhile then give the crowd a command...
"let me see your chicken dance", 
"let me see your gorilla", 
"let me see your school spirit".
The kids LOVE this cheer!

 This command was "let me see your cowboy".
The prince is the only one riding a pony, 
and Leanna (in the back) is cracking up at him!

There was some nice stunting too!

Biking the Beartooths

Yesterday the king, his sister, and his niece took a bike tour.  They went up to the top of the Beartooth Mountain Pass, and then biked down, stopping along the way to enjoy the beauty of what Charles Kuralt calls, "the most beautiful drive in America".  They had a great time.  The bikes were comfortable, the seats were big, and the breaks worked!  It was "safety first" all the way.  The tour concluded with lunch at a local brewery.  The king can't wait to go again, but he might have to wait until next summer.  The highway will be closed as soon as it snows, which won't be long in that higher elevation.  

 The haze is smoke from the fires in Yellowstone.

 If you click on this photo you'll see patches of snow.  
That isn't snow that just hasn't melted yet. 
 Those are shrinking glaciers.

I love this shot!

Tracking her progress...

When Boarders was closing, I snagged 2 maps for my classroom.  They were just decorating the wall until Jeanette started traveling.  Last spring I decided we would chart her progress.  This week she came to my classroom and put push pins in all her stops so far and strung string from point to point. (If you click on the pictures they will enlarge to better see the string.)  Her conclusion:  There's still an awful lot of the world she hasn't seen!  She's off north and west soon.  We wish her happy travels!

And to the grammar experts out there--I realize there's no question mark at the end of that pink sentence on the wall.  What school doesn't have a question mark punch?  Apparently ours!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Should I feel hurt?

Yesterday the prince was telling me all about his day.  He got to his psychology teacher, and the conversation went like this:

Him:  I think she's going to steal my thunder.
Me:  What do you mean?
Him:  Well, she's like you only 10 times worse!
Me:  What do you mean?  I don't think that's a compliment!
Him:  She's flamboyant, like you, only 10 times worse.

Hmmm...I like to think of myself as gregarious...not flamboyant!!  And I'd like to say to him that the APPLE DOESN'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE.  I think he's just a little jealous that he hasn't reached my (or the psych teacher's) level of coolness!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School

They aren't dressed up fancy because, as you can see by the clock on the wall, it's 5:40 AM!  They are headed to cheer practice and then school.  The princess had her first day yesterday (Freshman get a day to themselves to learn the layout without those pesky upperclassmen bugging them.), and though she will tell you it was "boring", she also said she thinks it'll be "great" year.  She has a locker in an easy access location (they keep the same locker all four years), she has people she knows in all her classes, and she had multiple invitations to join friends for lunch.  (She opted to eat with the cheerleaders because they were actually EATING, not sitting around watching others eat.  She was hungry.  And contrary to popular belief, I'm here to tell you that cheerleaders EAT...even the female version.)  

Today marks the first day of the last year for the prince.  I'm a little sad just typing that.  He is, as most seniors probably are, ready to get this year over with and move on.  He spend yesterday with 4 friends.  They folfed in the morning, went to the lake in the afternoon, more folfing in the later afternoon, dinner at McDonald's, and then took someones dog to the dog park.  Sucking every last minute out of the summer.  Then he came home to do laundry.  Next year's first day of school post will be so different.  :(

The Big One

The picture doesn't do him justice, but this HUGE antelope was out in the field last night.  (Look!  Green grass!)  We see lots of females but not too many males.  He had his harem of about 4 ladies with him.  

Finally! A cheer uniform of her own!

The princess has been waiting since last May to get her cheer uniforms.  They finally got them yesterday!  She is so excited.  And yes, I know they are short...I didn't buy them...and it's kind of funny that the cheerleader skirts don't have to conform with the school dress-code...and she will tell you that the tops are too big...maybe Grandma can take them in at the waist a bit...oh, to have that problem...but she looks GREAT!  Cheer hard, my little cheerleader girl!

By the way, the first day of school assembly, where they were supposed to preform, has been canceled because some seniors spray-painted "Class of 2013" on the sidewalk outside the school.  First of all, destroying school property is wrong.  But really, why are we punishing the masses for the actions of a few, and at least they didn't write profanity?!?  Sheesh!  

The prince cheers Friday night at the first Varsity football game.  The princess will cheer next week!  Bring it!

Computer Update

I am refusing to believe that my laptop is a goner.  No cursor (I can use a mouse) and no keyboard (it does work when I log in).  As long as I can click on it, I can do it, but as soon as I need to type anything (web address, comment on fb, blog post...) it's a no-go!  I am slowly burning 4 years worth of photos off it.  It's tedious, and I find it BORING so I don't do it often.  As of last night, I am through 2010.  I must keep going, I must keep going, I must keep going...

Meanwhile, I have tried a couple of different angles to easily get my photos off my camera and onto the desktop to do blogging.  I don't care to load the entire camera program onto the desktop.  The desktop doesn't have the cool slot the laptop does where I can stick an SD card in and just pull them off.  And of course, I can't email them to myself since I can't type in my email address on the laptop.  I tried the ol' zip drive.  It works, but it's a pain.  This morning I had an inspiration...just plug the camera into the computer with the USB and see what happens.  Glory hallelujah for newer technology!  It just pulled the card into the desktop photo program and I could select the photos I wanted.  I'm learning.  

Soon I'll have to go to the computer doctor, but I'd really rather limp along until October--ish.  That's going to be a good paycheck!

Monday, August 20, 2012

About "Fifty Shades Darker"

I gave "Fifty Shades Darker" by E. L. James 3 stars.  Maybe it should only get 2.5 stars, but since I don't have that rating system I'm giving it 3.  It is better than the first book in the series so I have to go up with my rating.  

In the last book we had "Boy meets girl and then loses girl."  This time "Boy gets girl back, thwarts a stalker, and proposes to girl."  Of course she's got some drama of her own going on with a crazy boss.  It makes for a more interesting read than last time, and I found the girl far less whiny this time around.  The boyfriend is still far too overbearing, but she seems to like him that way.  To each their own.  Still plenty of graphic sex that I'm quite adept at skimming over now, if you like that sort of thing.  And number 2 leaves you hanging.  Number 3 in on hold at the library.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012

She's Baaaaaack!

Do you come from a land down under?  Jeanette just got back.  The king requested a sample of Vegemite--you know the song...sing along.  They give it away at McDonald's in Australia the same way that they give away ketchup.  This is made by Kraft, and though it's blurry, it also says it's been made in Australia since 1928.  We read online that Vegemite tastes like, "someone threw up in your mouth".  Still, we had to try it.  It does not taste like vomit.  It tastes like soy sauce that is the consistency of tar.  To top it all off, it looks like tar.  We've come up with some alternate uses for it...fuel your car, fill pot-holes, use like the goop you put in bike tires to fill them up.  

We are glad she's back, and we're grateful she humors the king from time to time.  She's off on another adventure soon, but in the meantime, "We'll always have Vegemite!"

Roses Are Red

The baseball stadium was giving out roses at the game the other night.  They are opening up nicely!  (I need to work on my photography skills of up-closes, apparently!)

About "Fifty Shades of Grey"

I am giving "Fifty Shades of Grey" by E.L. James 2 stars.  I wasn't sure if I would read this book, but in the end, given all the hype, I was sucked in.  I had read a review calling it "Mommy Porn".  I have to say that while there is certainly a lot of graphic sex, I have read other books equally graphic that were not labeled "porn".  This is a "rich boy meets naive girl" story at its heart.  I also read that James was enamored with the Twilight book series and based these characters on Edward and Bella.  I could see the similarities in this book, which made me annoyed by the girl sometimes.  The end of the book leaves you hanging, wondering what will ever happen to these star-crossed lovers, and so, though I read this book thinking I didn't need to read the follow-ups, I am now reading the second book in the series and have put the 3rd book on hold at the library.  And I must confess that I already like the girl better in the second book.  If it continues on, I'll probably give the second book 3 stars.  But you'll have to wait and see!

I am such a loser.

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit.  They got here Monday and left today, and I took NO photos.  Really?  None!  But we had a great time with fine dining--pizza in the garage--shopping, golf, lattes, and baseball.  Until next year...

Oh, and a special thanks to Grandma who went with me to school the other day and helped me totally rearrange my classroom furniture.  There was a lot of heavy lifting that day, and she was a great sport!  She also got to go with me to see the proof's of the prince's senior pictures!  They are going to be great!

The prince goes camping.

Monday the prince went camping...with a friend...without adult supervision.  We have no photographic evidence of this, but they claim it's true.  (Apparently the prince's friend didn't know that when the camera says "Do you really want to format this camera?"  and you press "yes" you will lose your photos.)  This might be why we were worried about these two going camping.  Anyway, they had fun.  They bought some army rations to eat.  They didn't take a flashlight--it gets dark in the mountains at night--who'da thunk?  They were excited to get to have a fire as there are extreme restrictions on those right now, but they were at a camp ground that allowed them.  And in the morning they drove into town to hot-tub with the cheerleaders.  Is that really camping?  I think not!!

Dancing at the Fair!

The princess danced at the fair again this year.  They only danced there once this year, which was kind of nice to me.  They did Fancy Footwork--one more time, and did the final performance of Pearl Harbor.  They rocked it, and they were even missing one person.  She helped with a hip-hop dance as well.  It was done with kids from a hip hop class who only had 4 hours to prepare.  They did GREAT!

Barb's Visit

We were so excited when Barb came to visit last week.  She hasn't been here since the kids were very young, and so it was ABOUT TIME!  Of course, since we've never been to St. Louis to visit her, we really have no right to complain.  I hope her visit was relaxing for her, as that's what she wanted.  We did take her to the near-by resort town for a taste of the mountains and a little lunch and shopping.  Other than that, we relaxed.  We hope she comes back much sooner next time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


At the dance studio where the princess dances, they also do birthday parties.  At a recent party, the princess was asked to come in and teach a ballet routine to the girls.  The gentleman in this photo taught them a hip hop routine.  The girls had a great time.  These "older" kids then got to help play games and pass out (and eat) cake and ice cream.  What a great idea!  That the princess made a little cash on the side was also a good thing.  It is fair week, after all!

Disclaimer:  I wasn't sure I should post this photo of someone else's kid, but when it showed up on facebook it became fair game! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

About "Gone Girl"

I am giving "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn 3 stars.  It starts a little slow, and the ending has a sort of "WHAT???" ending.  Had it not been for those two things, it would have gotten 4 stars.  It's a pretty darn good book.

This is the story of Nick and Amy.  After 5 years of marriage, Amy disappears.  Nick is the prime suspect.  The book is told from Nick and Amy's perspective, changing view each chapter.  When Amy returns in the last 1/3 of the book, then things really turn psycho.  Mystery fans will like this one!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I've really got nothin' here, but thought I should post something.  We've had lots of fun company with more to come so not too much blogging going on.  Too busy living life!  This morning the king has taken our current company--my friend, Barb, whom I was a nanny with YEARS ago and who lives in Illinois now and has come to see us 4 or 5 times over the years now while we've never been to see her; shame on us--to a local mansion for a tour.  I have been there.  Not really my thing.  Once is enough.  So I'm catching up on some stuff while they are out and decided to post these two stories of my know, the ones who don't show up here all that much lately.  This blog just seems to be more and more about ME--maybe as it should be!  Heehee.

First the prince:  A couple of years ago he bought a Sublime (rock band) t-shirt.  He wore it out.  It is stained and has holes in it, but he still wears it around the house once in awhile.  Last night Sublime was in town for a concert, and he bought himself a ticket.  I didn't see him before he left for the concert, but I was waiting for him after the concert, and what was he wearing?  His ratty ol' Sublime t-shirt!  Really?  Worse yet, he didn't buy himself a new one at the concert.  I'm pretty sure that shirt will never die.

And the princess:  We have a boy down the street, Gabe, who is the princess' age.  They don't really know each other since they went to different schools, but they see each other in "the hood" and are friends on facebook.  Gabe is playing football, and selling coupon books, and rang our doorbell yesterday.  I answered the door, and he said, "Would you like to buy a...."  At that point the princess stood up from where she was sitting and he caught a look at here and stopped talking!  It was so cute.  Nothing better than a flustered 15-year-old boy!  He finally composed himself and finished is request.  What could I do?  I had to buy the coupon book and drag out fishing money from my purse so he could continue to look awkwardly at her.  It was priceless!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mary Beth!

I know; you think I'm going to post another great birthday poem or make all kinds of cracks about you being 40.  Not true, my friend.  This year, I give you:

40 GREAT Things About You!

1. You are funny.
2. You are smart.
3. Okay, you is smart, you is kind, you is important.
4. You have curly hair.
5. You get math.
6. You make your own syrup.
7. You love your broken down ol' Nissan.
8. You like 80's rock.
9. You have a timeshare in Fairmont.
10. You used to have the best Pontiac they made--until you sold it (said Mitch).
11. You have two great kids.
12. Brian's not too bad either--he's handy.
13. You like to sing in church though you say you don't sing well.
14. I have heard you sing,and I believe you can carry a tune.
15. You made the game-winning shot in the most important basketball gave ever--just ask your dad.
16. Sometimes, if it's someones birthday at work, you eat cake for lunch.
17. Too bad you are out of town this birthday; otherwise you might be able to have cake on your birthday for lunch!
18. You are afraid of lice and Jesus.
19. You have to drive most of the time, and otherwise you call, "Shotgun"--literally.  And if you aren't driving, you'll probably be taking a little nap while someone else drives.
20. You like shoes.  They are your favorite thing to buy for yourself.
21. Your favorite pop is orange soda.
22. I learned to overuse the word "Fancy" from you.
23. You love to hold babies--who doesn't?!
24. You think Sean Connery is HOT, which is totally gross because he's OLD!
25. Your birthday cruise is only 89 days away!
26. You can talk to anyone as if you've known them all your life.  You're cool like that.
27. You like "The Poisonwood Bible", "She's Come Undone", and "The Thornbirds" WAY TOO MUCH!
28. Unfortunately, you are a juvenile diabetes expert.
29. You tried out for Jeopardy once.  You were robbed.  They should have chosen you
30. You fancy yourself a princess.
31. You paint all your bedrooms purple.
32. You like to poke people with sticks.
33.  Sometimes, if the hotel screws up your reservation, you go a little "Western" on the poor guy working the desk.
34. You don't like ketch-up.  I don't get you.
35. You are the best bargain shopping, coupon clippin', deal findin' shopper I know.
36. You started our awesome bookclub...and keep it going.
37. You will never be chosen for jury duty, and that makes you sad--cuz you're crazy (crazy because you're sad, not because that's the reason you won't be chosen)!
38. You don't like to share desert when you're at a fancy restaurant though you will share the main course.
39. You are one of the most amazing people I know--truly.
40.  You're my bestest friend (and I hope that doesn't offend my other bestest friends).

Happy Birthday, friend!

Monday, August 6, 2012


The princess and I had the BEST time when we headed to Fairmont last week with our besties.  We are so grateful that they invited us.  We had a GREAT time!  And the pictures are proof of just some of the fun we had.  Thanks Besties!  We had a BLAST!

I believe her caption on this was:
Why you no eat my banana?
Apparently goats don't like bananas.

We did an egg toss and afterward they had an egg fight.  
They both needed a shower after that, but they went swimming instead.
I'm sure the pool people appreciated that!

There was a trip down the big slide--2 stories high, I think.


And the 2 seat bike...this one was too big so they had to get the other one!

Phew! That's better!

We also took in "Dark Knight Rises" at the drive-in theater.  
I was a little nervous to see it after the mad gunman in Colorado, but we were safe!
I give the movie a "C" though.  Not that great.

"THIS is American Idol" (Say it like Ryan Seacrest)

I have been hounding my niece to audition for American Idol for a couple of years now.  When they announced that they were bringing a bus to smaller town venues and that our town would be one of them, I once again started hounding her, even offering up dinner at Dos Machos!  She took me up on the offer and came to town yesterday with her mom, brother, and friend, Brady.  Her brother, Jared, also decided to audition, but since he's under 18 needed my sister to come with him.  Win-win for me!

Today we headed to the Zoo for the audition.  We arrived at 9:00--the time the paperwork said to arrive--and were at the end of a long line.  But as we stood there lots of other people arrived after us.  We were outside the zoo in this line for a couple of hours.  It was HOT out there!  

The princess came to cheer on her cousins!


We had moved up in line, 
but sometimes you have to get your cousin to hold your place in line 
because it's hot, and you need a break!

Eventually we had a bag check--no guns, drugs or alcohol allowed-- 
and we moved inside the zoo.
The next line was under this big (blurry) tent, which was much cooler.  
They were here for over an hour.

All kinds of "animals" checked out the action.

Finally, they were moved to the final line.  
Now they knew they would sing soon.
No family allowed in this line.
That's Becky w/the umbrella and Jared to her right.

It was sort of ridiculous that they had to stand out in the sun
 because there was a lot of room under the tent!

Check it out!
The American Idol bus.
Dude in white coat was auditioning too and had auditioned 
before so had great advice and stories to tell.  
People in line were very nice to each other.  

Finally it was their turn.  There was another tent set up on the other side of the bus also doing auditions. They went in groups of 4 but each sang alone.  The guy on the far left is the producer.  The lady in light blue is filming them.  Everyone sang great.  The bar was raised really high.  No one in our group made it through, but we think the kids' cheer coach might have.  The producer told them afterward they they all had very good voices but not good enough for the level they were looking for here.

As promised, lunch afterward at Dos Machos!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Guess who?

Look at this cutie-patootie!  I am cleaning photos before I take my computer to the fix-it shop, and found these!  Oh, the cuteness of Christian!