Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mary Beth!

I know; you think I'm going to post another great birthday poem or make all kinds of cracks about you being 40.  Not true, my friend.  This year, I give you:

40 GREAT Things About You!

1. You are funny.
2. You are smart.
3. Okay, you is smart, you is kind, you is important.
4. You have curly hair.
5. You get math.
6. You make your own syrup.
7. You love your broken down ol' Nissan.
8. You like 80's rock.
9. You have a timeshare in Fairmont.
10. You used to have the best Pontiac they made--until you sold it (said Mitch).
11. You have two great kids.
12. Brian's not too bad either--he's handy.
13. You like to sing in church though you say you don't sing well.
14. I have heard you sing,and I believe you can carry a tune.
15. You made the game-winning shot in the most important basketball gave ever--just ask your dad.
16. Sometimes, if it's someones birthday at work, you eat cake for lunch.
17. Too bad you are out of town this birthday; otherwise you might be able to have cake on your birthday for lunch!
18. You are afraid of lice and Jesus.
19. You have to drive most of the time, and otherwise you call, "Shotgun"--literally.  And if you aren't driving, you'll probably be taking a little nap while someone else drives.
20. You like shoes.  They are your favorite thing to buy for yourself.
21. Your favorite pop is orange soda.
22. I learned to overuse the word "Fancy" from you.
23. You love to hold babies--who doesn't?!
24. You think Sean Connery is HOT, which is totally gross because he's OLD!
25. Your birthday cruise is only 89 days away!
26. You can talk to anyone as if you've known them all your life.  You're cool like that.
27. You like "The Poisonwood Bible", "She's Come Undone", and "The Thornbirds" WAY TOO MUCH!
28. Unfortunately, you are a juvenile diabetes expert.
29. You tried out for Jeopardy once.  You were robbed.  They should have chosen you
30. You fancy yourself a princess.
31. You paint all your bedrooms purple.
32. You like to poke people with sticks.
33.  Sometimes, if the hotel screws up your reservation, you go a little "Western" on the poor guy working the desk.
34. You don't like ketch-up.  I don't get you.
35. You are the best bargain shopping, coupon clippin', deal findin' shopper I know.
36. You started our awesome bookclub...and keep it going.
37. You will never be chosen for jury duty, and that makes you sad--cuz you're crazy (crazy because you're sad, not because that's the reason you won't be chosen)!
38. You don't like to share desert when you're at a fancy restaurant though you will share the main course.
39. You are one of the most amazing people I know--truly.
40.  You're my bestest friend (and I hope that doesn't offend my other bestest friends).

Happy Birthday, friend!


J said...

Happy Birthday, MB! From another Sean Connery admirer!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mary Beth. Have a great year.


Wendy said...

That was awesome. :)

Kathi Guckeen said...

Happy birthday Mary Beth.

PS: The 41st great thing about you is that you have great taste in movie stars. Sean Connery has always been and will always be hot!

Shelley said...

Gotta' agree about Sean.....and about the rest of the list. Happy, happy birthday!!!

Becky said...

Oo I like all those things! Mary Beth and I will probably be best friends someday. Happy birthday Mary Beth!

Mary Beth said...

That was awesome! Thanks man! Although I must say a few things in response:
1. Sean Connery is HOT, always was & always will be.
2. The Nissan is not currently broken down!
3. Poking people with sticks is fun.
4. Your the BEST EVER!