Saturday, August 18, 2012

She's Baaaaaack!

Do you come from a land down under?  Jeanette just got back.  The king requested a sample of Vegemite--you know the song...sing along.  They give it away at McDonald's in Australia the same way that they give away ketchup.  This is made by Kraft, and though it's blurry, it also says it's been made in Australia since 1928.  We read online that Vegemite tastes like, "someone threw up in your mouth".  Still, we had to try it.  It does not taste like vomit.  It tastes like soy sauce that is the consistency of tar.  To top it all off, it looks like tar.  We've come up with some alternate uses for it...fuel your car, fill pot-holes, use like the goop you put in bike tires to fill them up.  

We are glad she's back, and we're grateful she humors the king from time to time.  She's off on another adventure soon, but in the meantime, "We'll always have Vegemite!"


Unknown said...

Thanks. Now, the song is stuck in my head... but I have always been curious about what Vegemite really is. I'll wonder no more...

Mary Beth said...

We thought it was yucky too! Worse than thick soy sauce, but at least we have tried it.

Kathi said...

The list of ingredients is malt barley so I thought it would be like beer. I like beer. I do not like Vegemite. I know Australians put it on anything and everything. They must have different taste buds than we do. At least now I can say I tried it.