Saturday, August 18, 2012

About "Fifty Shades of Grey"

I am giving "Fifty Shades of Grey" by E.L. James 2 stars.  I wasn't sure if I would read this book, but in the end, given all the hype, I was sucked in.  I had read a review calling it "Mommy Porn".  I have to say that while there is certainly a lot of graphic sex, I have read other books equally graphic that were not labeled "porn".  This is a "rich boy meets naive girl" story at its heart.  I also read that James was enamored with the Twilight book series and based these characters on Edward and Bella.  I could see the similarities in this book, which made me annoyed by the girl sometimes.  The end of the book leaves you hanging, wondering what will ever happen to these star-crossed lovers, and so, though I read this book thinking I didn't need to read the follow-ups, I am now reading the second book in the series and have put the 3rd book on hold at the library.  And I must confess that I already like the girl better in the second book.  If it continues on, I'll probably give the second book 3 stars.  But you'll have to wait and see!


Kathi said...

Having read all 3 books in the series (I got sucked in too), the third one is by far the best! Keep reading!!!!

Mary Beth said...

I'll take that when you're done.