Monday, August 6, 2012


The princess and I had the BEST time when we headed to Fairmont last week with our besties.  We are so grateful that they invited us.  We had a GREAT time!  And the pictures are proof of just some of the fun we had.  Thanks Besties!  We had a BLAST!

I believe her caption on this was:
Why you no eat my banana?
Apparently goats don't like bananas.

We did an egg toss and afterward they had an egg fight.  
They both needed a shower after that, but they went swimming instead.
I'm sure the pool people appreciated that!

There was a trip down the big slide--2 stories high, I think.


And the 2 seat bike...this one was too big so they had to get the other one!

Phew! That's better!

We also took in "Dark Knight Rises" at the drive-in theater.  
I was a little nervous to see it after the mad gunman in Colorado, but we were safe!
I give the movie a "C" though.  Not that great.


J said...

I am SO jealous of the big slide! I loved those growing up.... Wonder if I would survive it now? Anyone wanna go with me? :-)

Anonymous said...

Cara looks so much like Becky in the picture of her coming down the slide.

Good picture!

Anonymous said...

Cara looks so much like Becky in the picture of her coming down the slide.

Good picture!

Mary Beth said...

Thanks so much for coming down to entertaian us. We had a blast!