Saturday, August 11, 2012


I've really got nothin' here, but thought I should post something.  We've had lots of fun company with more to come so not too much blogging going on.  Too busy living life!  This morning the king has taken our current company--my friend, Barb, whom I was a nanny with YEARS ago and who lives in Illinois now and has come to see us 4 or 5 times over the years now while we've never been to see her; shame on us--to a local mansion for a tour.  I have been there.  Not really my thing.  Once is enough.  So I'm catching up on some stuff while they are out and decided to post these two stories of my know, the ones who don't show up here all that much lately.  This blog just seems to be more and more about ME--maybe as it should be!  Heehee.

First the prince:  A couple of years ago he bought a Sublime (rock band) t-shirt.  He wore it out.  It is stained and has holes in it, but he still wears it around the house once in awhile.  Last night Sublime was in town for a concert, and he bought himself a ticket.  I didn't see him before he left for the concert, but I was waiting for him after the concert, and what was he wearing?  His ratty ol' Sublime t-shirt!  Really?  Worse yet, he didn't buy himself a new one at the concert.  I'm pretty sure that shirt will never die.

And the princess:  We have a boy down the street, Gabe, who is the princess' age.  They don't really know each other since they went to different schools, but they see each other in "the hood" and are friends on facebook.  Gabe is playing football, and selling coupon books, and rang our doorbell yesterday.  I answered the door, and he said, "Would you like to buy a...."  At that point the princess stood up from where she was sitting and he caught a look at here and stopped talking!  It was so cute.  Nothing better than a flustered 15-year-old boy!  He finally composed himself and finished is request.  What could I do?  I had to buy the coupon book and drag out fishing money from my purse so he could continue to look awkwardly at her.  It was priceless!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Bahaha you WOULD do that. Way to make things uncomfortable for your daughter and that boy ha.
Also, I love how you said "the hood".