Saturday, August 25, 2012

Biking the Beartooths

Yesterday the king, his sister, and his niece took a bike tour.  They went up to the top of the Beartooth Mountain Pass, and then biked down, stopping along the way to enjoy the beauty of what Charles Kuralt calls, "the most beautiful drive in America".  They had a great time.  The bikes were comfortable, the seats were big, and the breaks worked!  It was "safety first" all the way.  The tour concluded with lunch at a local brewery.  The king can't wait to go again, but he might have to wait until next summer.  The highway will be closed as soon as it snows, which won't be long in that higher elevation.  

 The haze is smoke from the fires in Yellowstone.

 If you click on this photo you'll see patches of snow.  
That isn't snow that just hasn't melted yet. 
 Those are shrinking glaciers.

I love this shot!

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