Saturday, August 25, 2012

Last-First Varsity Game of the Year

Last first day of high school, last first varsity football game, last Call of Duty party after last first football game...this could (and will) go on all year.  The prince cheered their first game of the season last night.  We got spanked, but you wouldn't know it to see all the fun the cheerleaders and student section were having...particularly the seniors who kept asking the cheerleaders to do "senior" cheers.  They complied a couple of times--changing "Falcons" to "seniors"--but it was weird, because one of the other schools in town is called Senior, so I kept thinking they were cheering for that school!  Here's to a great year, and a better game next week!

 I was snapping random shots.  He must have noticed.  Nice pose!

 This is the "Here We Go" cheer.  
They sway for awhile then give the crowd a command...
"let me see your chicken dance", 
"let me see your gorilla", 
"let me see your school spirit".
The kids LOVE this cheer!

 This command was "let me see your cowboy".
The prince is the only one riding a pony, 
and Leanna (in the back) is cracking up at him!

There was some nice stunting too!


J said...

Great photos! Have a great senior year!!

Mary Beth said...

Great lifting in the bottom picture & loved the pony dance.