Wednesday, December 21, 2011

About Stories I Only Tell My Friends

I gave Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe 3 stars. I had to think about it because in some respects this isn't a GREAT book, but it's always a GOOD book. It was fascinating to hear him tell of the famous people he met along the way. He never bashes anyone. He glosses over the Dukakis Scandal, but this could be because he knows his sons will read the book--he seems very family-oriented at this stage in his life. In the end I gave it 3 stars for the portion of the book that deals with auditioning for and making The Outsiders. It was FASCINATING. I had dreams about this book while I was reading it--and not the kind where Rob carries me off into the sunset--so it must be good. I strongly recommend it. By the way, he's signed a deal to write a second book about love, family... I'm not sure I'll read that one. The end of this book deals with that too, and it was anticlimactic for me.


Mary Beth said...

If that's not a library book, I'll take it next. I'd give it a try, it can't be any worse than Dennis Rodman.

Anonymous said...

It's a library book, but you should put it on the request list. It's a good book--WAY better than Denise! SL