Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Jeanette!

Birthday advice:

1. Happy Birthday to "THE GREATEST" friend ever!

2. Have a wonderful day, but don't swim with any sharks or go in the boat in rough know how I worry.

3. Do have some chocolate, maybe a birthday frappacino from Starbucks.

4. Make sure everyone on your island knows it's your birthday, including your favorite stalker (point her to the blog, so she can stalk me to).

5. Buy yourself something nice--oh wait, you did that last week, and the week before that, and...

6. Open my card--oh wait, you did that the other day.

7. Have a wonderful day, and don't worry, MB and I will go to Dos soon to celebrate in your honor!


Mary Beth said...

Happy Birthday Jeanette! You should come up to celebrate with us at Dos!

J said...

You two are too kind.... thank you!! MB, I told Sharmi if she would get the beach to come to Blgs I could live there....can you make the beach appear?????

Shelley said...

I should join all three of you at Dos! Happy Birthday Jeanette!!!

J said...

Hey Shelley....thanks for the birthday wishes :-) Maybe one of these days we will all get to Dos together.....could happen!

Anonymous said...

Better happen! SL