Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa, Please Help!

The conversation went like this:
King: Do you think Santa will bring me some new socks this year? (He often does.)
Me: No, I don't think so, why?
King: Because this one has a hole in it.
Me: Maybe you could ask Santa to darn your sock.
King: Santa darns socks????

Next thing I know the hole is significantly bigger, he's added a hole to the second sock, hung them by his stocking, and left a note for Santa.

I hope Santa brings him some socks!


Unknown said...

Perhaps, along with some new socks, Santa could leave him a copy of "Woe is I: a Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Pain English" ;)

Mary Beth said...

Hilarious! I too hope Santa brings him some new socks, they are very much needed.

Karen L. said...

Karen L.
I saw that note & didn't even notice. I think it's genetic. LOL