Friday, December 2, 2011

Final Basketball Game

The princess played in her final game of the season today. They have one more game tomorrow, but she has to miss it for a dance performance. They didn't win, but they played a great game.

Pregame advice from the coach.

Waiting her turn to play.

She's not the only one doing the fouling.

Sometimes she gets fouled.

In fact, she only got called for one call today, though it might have been warranted.

She did make the girl cry--accidentally.

Taking a shot.

Today she got to guard someone her own size!

Or..."I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth!"

Post game huddle.

These photos came from our new camera. I didn't even have to clean them up. Tomorrow I'll take some dance photos and try the video function. So far I like this little camera. Merry Christmas to me!


Mary Beth said...

Great game but a tough loss. Nice pictures from your camera though. I'm impressed!

J said...

Agreed! Christmas camera pics are great! Merry Christmas early!

Wendy said...

Are you trying to make me cry? *sniff* I want a new camera so bad! lol What kind did you get?