Saturday, December 3, 2011

For Wendy

Look at your beautiful niece! I love this shot. My camera has an 8X zoom, but in digital it can go to 25X though the 25X is a little grainy. This photo is at 25X. She was across the gym and diagonal from where I was sitting. My action shots didn't turn out very good at today's game, but I really liked this one. And she looks SOOOO beautiful here! Just like she always does.


Wendy said...

Wow, that's taken from across the gym? That's amazing! I want, I want, I want. lol What a beautiful picture of my sweet C. Thanks for showing me! Good luck finishing the manual (I never would!) :)

Unknown said...

You're such a good friend- snapping photos for Wendy & all! :)

Mary Beth said...

Thanks man! I think she's the most beautiful 7th grade basketball player!