Monday, December 26, 2011

The Ipod Touch

I know. There are a lot of photos here, but it's necessary for the story. The princess wanted an Ipod Touch for Christmas. After much thinking about it, the king and I agreed that--with lots of restrictions--she could have one. She has been hoping and hoping for weeks. I decided that the best way to drag out the agony for her (hey, that's how I roll) was to wrap it mightily and also wrap another gift with the message, "Open me last." That really threw her off because that gift was obviously a book (Ipod Touch For Dummies). So here she is, opening, and opening, and opening the Touch. Good times!

Look. A big bag.

Inside the bag is a box wrapped in green paper.

And red paper.

And blue paper.

Inside the box...

is a Target bag (it came from Target)

Inside the Target bag is...

another bag!

Inside that bag is...

something wrapped in blue,

and then green,

and finally in red.


It was worth it.

Just ask her!


J said...

Well done! That's how I'd wrap it too!!

Mary Beth said...

That's a lot of wrapping! What a fun morning for her.